Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Heading South and into Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile

Truck all packed up and heading off after early morning pastries and coffee in a local coffee shop, such friendly people and of course WiFi.

A bleak outlook for the first erection of the tents.

On the road again and a baptism of fire as we are delayed and have to set up an impromptu bush camp, middle of the Steppe. We find a rocky boulder strewn semi circle and deploy the expedition tents. Half way through and the weather changes in a flash. Freezing torrential rain with terrific swirling winds which soak us to the bone and cake us with mud, what joy. Within twenty minutes its all change and the sun reappears to gently dry and warm the disgruntled overlanders. Dinners on and we sit in a semi circle enjoying a hot meal and an early night, long day tomorrow.
Five star camping !!

Up early and away back on the road heading through more and more Steppe. Slowly but surely the countryside is changing, more and more trees, shrubs and vegetation. We arrive at our bush camp and we spring into action choosing our pitches. Everyone is in a team, tent locker, security, cooking, cleaning and set's slowly becoming a well oiled machine.
We learnt that this sheltered area was where numerous animals that were ill or fatally injured came here to die. Numerous skeletons littered the area.

At last back and set up in this magnificent setting for four nights ready to complete the "W" trail which is comparable  in energy spent to three marathons. Bring it on. ,!!
We will see, may have bitten off more than I can chew.

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