Saturday, 12 January 2013

Crossing the Andes to Argentina.

05.01.13. Chile / Argentina

Up early and after a poor start to the day due to the fact the breakfast staff were half hour late and what was provided was pretty grim we head off to cross the Andes. We are crossing from Chile to Argentina on route RN 7. In winter the crossing can be closed for several days due to snow, however we are in the summer months here and as we climb to 6962 m via Aconcagua, via endless switch backs, we are treated to an amazing array of colours hidden amongst the ruggedness of the mighty Andes. Every corner holds amazing colour changes, different textures and a realisation of how vast and incredibly beautiful this area is. Taking photographs you just cannot appreciate the environment you are in. Having sustained a leak in the turbo system we are crawling to the border control where they are keen to search us thoroughly. After about an hour and a half we are on our way, back in Argentina for the fifth time.

We head for Mendoza, a young vibrant city in the middle of the desert, a prime wine region where Pete and Kirsten have a surprise for us. We are staying three nights in Hotel del Plata. Hot showers, en suites, marble throughout this is a lovely place and of course wifi. We make the most of it and thoroughly enjoy our stay. One incident of note was when Geoff and I en route to a Mediterranean restaurant at about 1030 pm were approached by a large drunken Belgium who was asking directions. The conversation turned to did we have watches, jewellery etc. As I scanned the area for his mates Geoff engaged him in conversation. I've been robbed he said, so were Mansfield Town I thought. Anyway we wished him a very pleasant farewell and were on our way.

An excellent relaxed day spent visiting three vineyards and an olive press resulted in numerous tastings, samples of oils and balsamic vinegar. Hard work in 37 degrees heat, but hey someone's got to do it.

Although Mendoza has been enjoyable I am looking forward to getting back out onto the road and into the wild hopefully engaging some of the rarer wildlife which will be on show.
Until then adios, the journey goes on !

Tony x

1 comment:

  1. as usual tony great pictures i particually like the barrels shot
