After a relaxing couple of days on this Carribean coast we head from Porto Colombia back over the mountains to Barinas our stop off point heading to Los Lanos. Our lodge for the night is in the middle of nowhere, a beautifully constructed villa with all amenities. It's been a long day and we head down to the bar, a superb rotunda next to a river surrounded by lush vegetation. A good meal and we head to bed ready for another early start in 4x4 safari vehicles. Our 4x4 contained Steve, Karen, Ken, Robin, Keith, Neil, Colin, Jane, Geoff and I. Our only problem is its going to be a long drive and it's bench seats, sideways. As you get older your natural cushioning disappears, and there wasn't much on the benches, so after a few hours of driving at breakneck speed, slamming the anchors on, off, start, stop, apart from no feeling from the waist down we were at the end of our tethers. Suddenly the brakes were stamped on with all eight of us in the back heading for the front. We lurched forward just missing a vehicle in front. As we stopped we all lurched back, it appeared to be slow motion. It didn't finish there, still in slow motion Karen again lurched forward grabbed the driver by the shoulder and let fly with a tirade of directions of how he was going to drive in the future. That told him. !!! Geoff and I made eye contact and both thinking "bloody hell" we won't be messing with Karen anymore ..... poor old Steve ha ! ha! No wonder he's always on the beer. I think Geoff and I will be joining him as a sympathy vote :))
Now known amongst certain circles as " the viper " Karen settled back and we proceeded at a couple of km less speed. Having arrived at our destination I realised my body was dead from the waist down, aching like never before. This was quickly forgotten with a cold beer, amazing remedy. The farmstead was brilliant with all types of wildlife visiting the vast array of domestic animals in this remote area of the Apure region, a type of open plains with and incredible amount of water holes attracting an obscene amount of wildlife. We got settled in and there were two beds left in the married couples block which Geoff and I took after I gave him strict instructions on how we should behave. The ranch was basic, clean and like a lot of other places, looked tired, but the food and hospitality was excellent and we had a great time. Steve and I were up at 0530 off down to the nearest water hole to photograph the bird life arriving first thing. It was incredibly quiet watching the sunrise and listening to the gradual increase in bird chatter. From our arrival at the ranch we did several safaris in the 4 x 4 's some of us sat on the roofs, stopping as and when something was spotted, or to walk amongst the prolific wildlife, it was very dusty work but totally magical. It was even more magical arriving back at the ranch to a shower, good food and a few ice cold beers. Bedtime involved being dive bombed by a couple of vampire bats which was entertaining ! But it didn't stop me sleeping soundly.
The second day we drove to the river and boarded two long canoes for a river safari which was phenomenal. I have never seen such a concentration of wildlife and bird life, it was an effort to decide what you photographed next. We saw capybara, river dolphin, monkeys, caiman, iguana, otter, fish eagle, piranha, egrets, spoonbills, caracara, kingfisher, flycatchers, scarlet ibis, ibis etc etc........... All wildlifed out it was back for lunch and a siesta before going out to again attempt to find anaconda. Afternoon was another pleasant outing with some of the group going horse riding and meeting those of us who had gone with the jeeps. It wasn't long before our trekker and guide, Hoseasues, found in a marshy area, a couple of anacondas, three infact, two males and a female mating. The female was massive estimated about 21 ft long with a thick body. Not wanting to disturb them too much Hoseasuse found another female before she disappeared into the mud. On our return we spotted an ant eater which completed an excellent couple of hours.Beautiful to see in its natural habitat. After a thoroughly enjoyable day it was back for a shower, dinner and another few iced beers. Somewhere along the way we started putting the empty bottles in a line and decided to drink the table, having one for the road on about six occasions. It was a great night, with much hilarity after a really great day. Laughing so much trying to keep quiet was impossible as we entered the sleeping dorm. Shhhhh says Geoff, silly giggles from Steve and I as we crept in but we eventually fell asleep. 0500 and Steve added to the dawn chorus with a tremendous explosion, however on this occasion Geoff and I really were on best behaviour. Loaded up on the jeeps we head off for another long days drive heading to Menzales an adrenaline junkies paradise. Steve in the front, we were going along nicely when suddenly there was a massive bang and our vision to the front disappeared. It took a moment to register that the front bonnet had smashed up into the windscreen. Our young driver thankfully did an incredible job and brought us to a safe stop at the roadside. The bonnet had snapped its lock and folded back on the vehicle amazingly not smashing the windscreen. It was bent out of shape and could not be refitted. Geoff with his vast knowledge of trucks tied it back in place and we continued on our merry way.
1-2. Our stopover at Barinas
3. A beautiful coloured bird
4. Flowers were incredible colours as well
5-8. An iguana that was feeding above us as we relaxed
9. Another colourful bird
10-12. A pair of long tailed flycatchers, nesting on a fence post. The nest had two eggs
13-14. Birdlife
15. Our guide attempting to find anaconda
16. Duncan doing the same
17. Sunrise
18. Scarlet Ibis, just don't look real
19. At the water hole
20. Stevo early morning
21. A parakeet that visited regularly
22. Kingfisher
23-27. Fish eagle making his attack but failing to keep his prey
28. Flock of scarlet Ibis
29-31. Fish eagle, 2nd attempt and successful.
Continued on the next blog.
Tony x
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