Friday, 3 May 2013

Quito and Banos, Ecuador

After our flight back to Quito, Ecuador from the Galapagos it was all a bit of an anticlimax but we got our kit reorganised ready to continue south through some amazing countryside and to Banos for three nights rest and recuperation at a great overlanders campsite, Pequerio Paradisio, just outside of town.
Banos is 8 km north of Volcan Tungurahua a 5023 metre volcano which resumed activity in 1999 after nearly 80 years of inactivity. Tungurahua meaning " throat of fire" continues to belch gas and lava. Upon visiting Banos you have to familiarise yourself with the many signs telling you which way to run should the sirens sound, all entertaining stuff. Anyway we are here to relax.
Of course there was the option to do more adventure sports in this active volcanic town, but I decided to chill out and went with Vanessa and Jeanne into town for a full body massage, a new experience for me. A recommended parlour we walked through the door into a very relaxing atmosphere, gave our details before being shown into a very blue room with all the necessary massage tables and equipment. Once ready, flat on the table covered by thick sheets in a dimly lit room with joysticks burning I heard the door open. A middle aged local woman came and laid hands on, very strong hands at that, and proceeded to massage with oils and work out every knotted sinew, muscle and anything else that was not how it should be. Cricked, twisted, and pummelled it was fantastic once I'd gotten used to it. Then the whisper came, turn over sir. Lying on my back I was sure I was going to hear those famous words " five dollar I love you long time" but thankfully that wasn't the case and it was all very professionally done. Unfortunately or fortunately no photos of the massage. :)
Totally relaxed we staggered across the road for a Pad Thai lunch with fresh juices before needing a pint at sundowners, well a bit before on this occasion and heading back to the camp, where I met Geoff and the others who had been white water rafting, grade five. Maybe I'm getting soft but I know who had the better day :))
The rest of the time was spent relaxing and walking locally to one of the many waterfalls. It also included some of the best deep fried goodness I've tasted so far in the form of freshly cooked empanadas, banana and chocolate, they were amazing.
After a great few days we continued to the border, Huaquillas where six of us including myself were refused exit from Ecuador because our entry stamps did not correspond with the details on the computer. After a few hours Pete had resolved the problem, which was the lady on entry had placed the wrong data into the computer. Complaint made and we were finally on our way, goodbye Ecuador.


Tony x

1. In a cable car crossing the valley to view a waterfall. Pretty hairy
2. A lovely butterfly
3. Vanessa, Geoff, Jeanne and me halfway up the waterfall
4. The lady at the empanada shop, freshly cooked, delicious
5. Jeanne and Geoff tasting the delicacies
6. Beautiful scenery

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